WHat we do


L'endodonzia è la branca dell'odontoiatria che riguarda la polpa dentale e i tessuti che circondano le radici di un dente.

In general

In general, the aim in endodontics is to save the tooth. Instead of extracting a diseased or damaged tooth, the endodontist eliminates the infection and decay to prevent further damage inside the tooth. Root canal treatment is the best known treatment that endodontists perform on the patient's teeth. The outermost layer of the tooth is called the enamel, the hard underlying layer is called the dentin, and the innermost soft layer is called the pulp. When the pulp of the tooth is infected, the treatment is called root canal treatment. With root canal treatment applied to teeth in today's technology, tooth extraction is no longer the only solution.

Toothache and tooth sensitivity

Toothache and tooth sensitivity that occur while eating hot and cold foods can herald the onset of inflammation. Excessive tooth discoloration can be included in these signs of inflammation. In addition to these, in teeth where caries reaches the pulp but not treated, the infection reaches the jawbone from the tip of the root and can cause small and large swellings on the face. In this case, the use of antibiotics and the procedures performed by the dentist can be applied. Teeth that cause infections can also be kept in the mouth by root canal treatment, and this tooth can serve you as a healthy tooth for years.

What are the stages of root canal treatment?

Determination of the problem tooth by radiography. If the tooth is alive, local anesthesia is used to destroy the sensitivity of the tooth and surrounding tissues. Clean the caries in the enamel and dentin layers of the tooth and create space to reach the pulp. Destruction and removal of infected dentin layers and microorganisms in the root canal using rotary instrument systems. Destruction of microorganisms with various root canal disinfectants when using rotary instrument systems in root canals.

Once the infection is cleared through root canal treatment, the tooth functions normally. Normally the root canal treatment ends in two sessions.

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